Residential Design Services for Builders

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June 17, 2024

Leaving Mabel Drive (in good hands)

Last week, we moved out of a very special place that had been our home for the last eight years. I thought I would be sad.

Don’t get me wrong. I loved that home! But it no longer matched our lifestyle. Indeed, I went kicking and screaming (only slightly exaggerated) into the process of looking for alternate places to live. I will talk more about our new place when it’s move in ready – which won’t be for another couple of months.

But back to our home and why – surprisingly – I wasn’t sad. Prior to our moving hell, we had the new buyers over to show them the nuances of our home. It was then that I learned how much the new buyers loved it. Indulge me as I talk up the home we’re leaving behind one last time!

The young couple who bought our house have a son and a dog. They loved the area and had been in a rental home nearby. After months of looking, they hadn’t found anything that met their needs – until they walked into our house. She works from home and loves the color red. Our front flex room with the red built-in desks was perfect for them. They were both excited by the hidden wall bed for when their parents visit.

Next was the kitchen, which has tons for storage- maybe too much storage, as it took two days to pack it all up. They loved the two refrigerators and knew exactly what I meant when I said our kitchens have a drinking problem. They also understood the role the Messy Kitchen plays in allowing our kitchens to be simultaneously functional and entertaining. And what’s not to love about the large walk-in pantry? I’ll miss that kitchen…

Moving into the master suite – she was stunned by the size of her new walk-in closet and thought it was the closet she and her husband would share.

(Okay – it didn’t hurt that she saw how much I loved red in the clothes hanging there) Then they discovered there was a second large walk-in closet for him!

Next to the master suite is the well-positioned laundry room. Its location is super convenient with plenty of wet hanging space – a feature she greatly appreciated.

He loved the fact that this room backed up to the living room and TV. It housed all the electronics for the TV including DVD player, amazon fire stick and cable TV hook up. This allowed the living room to be void of any electronic clutter and the TV to be wall hung with no visible wires or connections.

The couple loved our outdoor living – both covered and uncovered.

Our screen porch even includes a doggie door! As we approach the dog days of summer – they couldn’t wait to enjoy the pool. He loved the putting green and our four citrus trees in the woods beyond our fence. Yes – they even cranked up the fire-pit!

Their enthusiasm and appreciation for what my husband and I had created was refreshing. While it was the end of a chapter in our lives with the home – it was a new beginning for their family. Who can be sad about that?

As an architect, my practice is to design houses so people can live better. But since most of my work is for production home builders, I rarely witness the reaction of homebuyers. I found tremendous comfort and pride in knowing they really appreciated both the aesthetics and functionality of my work! Housing design really does matter!

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This post was written by Housing Design Matters